ASEAN-Maybank Scholarship Programme 2024 The ASEAN-Maybank Scholarship programme is a partnership between Maybank Foundation and the ASEAN Secretariat. It is one of the ASEAN-level initiatives undertaken by Maybank Found…
PPBU is offered to tertiary level education from Skills Certificate, Diploma, Bachelor’s Degree, Professional, Master’s Degree, and Doctorate and PHD to deserving Malaysians. Its aim is to aid the social and economic dev…
Scholarship details This is a full scholarship offered by the Government of Japan and the scholarship specifically covers Healthcare Administration, Business Administration, Law, Public Administration, and Local Governan…
PEMBIAYAAN PENDIDIKAN YAYASAN ANGKASA Yayasan ANGKASA berperanan memperkasa taraf pendidikan dan pembangunan modal insan warga koperasi dengan membantu melahirkan golongan yang berpengetahuan dan berkemahiran yang boleh …
Gadang is recognized as one of the leading companies catapulting Malaysia’s development into greater heights. Our core business encompasses the areas of Construction, Engineering, Property Development and Utilities. At G…