Permohonan GrEP 2024 telah dibuka mulai 6 Mei 2024 sehingga 24 Mei 2024. GRADUATE EXCELLENCE PROGRAMME (GrEP) MARA 2024 MARA menawarkan Graduate Excellence Programme (GrEP) iaitu program penajaan pelajaran berbentuk Pinj…
PPBU is offered to tertiary level education from Skills Certificate, Diploma, Bachelor’s Degree, Professional, Master’s Degree, and Doctorate and PHD to deserving Malaysians. Its aim is to aid the social and economic dev…
Kemasikini - Bantuan permulaan secara ‘one-off’ kepada pelajar untuk melanjutkan pengajian ke peringkat Universiti / IPT di dalam dan luar negara. Bantuan ini bertujuan untuk:- a) Meringankan beban bakal mahasiswa dan ke…
We are pleased to inform you that the application for the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme for the 2023/2024 academic year has started! We are glad to announce that the Stipendium Hungaricum online application…
Scholarship Info Applicants are invited to apply for the JPA-sponsored degree students to continue their studies at masters and doctoral degrees in various fields at universities identified by the Public Service Departme…